Let’s get personal.

First things first.

My name is spelt phonetically, Af-ee-fuh. My personal pronouns are she/her.


Have a vested interest in how people’s minds work? Me too.

So here I’ve linked a brilliant psychometrics based CV profile ➡️ https://vizzy.me/@Afeefa

What would I bring to the table?

Relationship building is my forté. I naturally connect with everyone from the hospitality staff to Google execs and their highest value clients. Mentors have encouraged me to seek out roles where I can utilise these social abilities. I have a knack for deriving unique insights through data analysis and developing strategies for creative responses to complex marketing challenges.  

During a team offsite, we were asked to complete the Clifton Strengths questionnaire, which breaks down personal strengths into 34 themes and 4 categories. I was unique in that I was the only person with all 5 of their top strengths within one category - relationship building. My team agreed with this and mentors encouraged me to pursue roles in which I can leverage my interpersonal skills.